February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 135
Canada, the company has also evolved to
offer more than massage services, but also
a range of skin care treatments, body treat-
ments and other modes of mood-enhancing
miracles in aromatherapy, reflexology and
The focus on affordability has allowed
Center managers to experience greater prof-
itability through volume as opposed to pric-
ing, in fact, LaVida prices are typically half
of what traditional spas charge. Kaltschmidt
says franchisees have seen annual increases
in revenue throughout the system, and those
increases averaged 15 percent last year. He
expresses optimism for the company’s future
growth and says that may soon include in-
ternational markets. For now, the company’s
emphasis is not only on serving consumers in
America and Canada, but connecting with
candidates who can help build upon LaVida
Massage’s existing legacy of success.
He says the model LaVida has developed
can help virtually anyone achieve success,
a testament to the fact that doing business
never has to be a pain-in-the-neck.
More details are available at
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