December 2013
| Business World Magazine | 135
To that point, Boston Pizza Communi-
cations Director Perry Schwartz says these
days, the company spends less time pro-
moting franchise opportunities because
it is exceedingly busy fielding inquiries
from those who want to be part of the fran-
chise. “Investors are looking for some-
thing with a proven track record, brand
recognition, that doesn’t only allow them
to profit, but engage with a community
beyond their four walls,” says Schwartz.
“We recently went through our first store
conversion, a situation involving a fran-
chisee of another business which wasn’t
doing so well. The owner converted his
existing business into a Boston Pizza, and
turned a problem into an opportunity.”
The example of that owner, as Schwartz
explains, is similar to the interactions that
Boston Pizza is increasingly having with
entrepreneurs today. As Schwartz says,
“They’re looking for something greater
in life and work, to be part of something
bigger and better than they can do on their
own, that’s what we’re providing at Bos-
ton Pizza.”
Ken Otto
Mark Pacinda, CEO