April 2013 - page 327

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 327
In one of his most famous speeches, President Eisenhower stressed the relationship be-
tween vigilance and prosperity. He suggested knowledge and awareness properly com-
pel the meshing of seemingly divergent ideas among social and industrial systems with
that of peaceful methods and goals – “so that security and liberty may prosper together.”
For a Tennessee-based banking institution, securing a future has also necessitated an
influx of increased awareness, knowledge and willingness to reinvent itself, thereby af-
fording customers a new sense of security and opportunity alike. But for the communi-
ties served by First Security Group Bank, such resolve amounts to renewed potential to
prosper together.
Some 15 years ago, in recognition of
the increasing growth and activity
along the Interstate corridors connect-
ing eastern Tennessee with northwest
Georgia, principals of a bank hold-
ing company known as First Security
Group glimpsed into the future and
saw opportunity. They saw potential to
provide a community-inspired system
of banking services that uniquely ca-
tered to the citizens and businesses of
that area. Up to that time, communities
were collectively confined to working
with small branches of large regional or
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