April 2013 - page 323

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 323
For that matter, Fine says most commu-
nity banks are also small businesses, and they
foster a corporate culture focused on family
while driving development of the communi-
ties in which they operate. “The engines of
our communities, the engines of small busi-
ness, they’re all fueled by loans from com-
munity banks, and this is what keeps our
towns and rural villages going. The Ameri-
can community banking system is unique to
our country and no other nation has a sys-
tem like we have... we also happen to have
the greatest economy in the world, thanks to
the work of community banks.”
To further that assertion, Fine says dur-
ing the heart of the Wall Street melt down,
Bankers Trust in Des
Moines, Iowa, sponsors
the annual Immigrant
Entrepreneurs Summit
to provide immigrant
entrepreneurs with use-
ful information about
starting and running a
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben
Bernanke speaking at ICBA conference
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