April 2013 - page 335

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 335
included credit products and enhanced ef-
ficiencies in Internet banking and mobile
banking services.
Today, commitment to serving communi-
ty is a professional requirement for execu-
tives of FSG Bank. Kramer explains, “If we
say we’re going to be committed, that has
to have legs. It means having measurable
points of accountability to demonstrate that
is more than words, but actually measurable
in terms of making a difference.” When not
tending to customer needs in the bank, ex-
ecutives can now be found tending to com-
munity needs on various service boards and
volunteer organizations. From the Chamber
of Commerce and United Way to a range of
other initiatives, FSG Executives and staff
can be found among more than a 100 service
organizations that work on behalf of people
and businesses of their community.
With so many of the new executive team
being new to the area, Kramer says this in-
volvement has helped them to rapidly ac-
quire understanding of the community and
make new friendships while providing a ben-
eficial service.
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