April 2013 - page 13

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 13
OSTentatious Opening
Open Systems Technology, a leading provider of information technology and data processing solutions, formally
opened its new headquarters this month at the Drueke Game Building in the western section of Grand Rapids,
Michigan. The new(ish) site allows for 20,000 square feet of operating space and COO Meredith Bronk reports
staffing will also expand to allow for ten new software developers and support staff. The company currently employs
more than 170. With additional offices inMinneapolis and Ann Arbor, OST annually generates more than $80 mil-
lion in sales to a client list that includes giants in healthcare, manufacturing and financial services. Since 2007, OST
has secured annual recognition on the Inc. 5,000 list of fastest growing private companies in America.
In the era of the iPad and iPhone, it had to come – iPaper. Fujitsu’s FingerLink deploys a surface embedded scan-
ner and image projector to detect a user’s finger movements over, say, a page from a book, newspaper or other
printed material. Text or images can be copied digitally and projected in other digital applications as easily as one
might point, wave hello or apply their fingers in some other motion. The technology allows anyone to quickly
extract specific blocks of text
or images for digital cap-
ture through simple finger
movement, essentially trans-
forming books and printed
materials into paper touch-
screens. According to a news
release, the technology is
capable of fingertip tracking
speeds of 300mm (or 11.8
inches) per second. Fujitsu
reports that it is further de-
veloping FingerLink for ap-
plication in manipulating
3D CAD data prior to the
product’s commercial launch
next year.
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