April 2013 - page 19

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 19
investment through the acquisition of new
equipment. On the other hand, HLAC may
determine the laundry only need to make
changes in certain policies or procedures, or
have better documentation. Each case simply
depends on the extent to which the laundry
follows the processes dictated by accredita-
Romeo says laundries additionally benefit
by achieving greater operational effective-
ness. “It comes out as a stronger laundry and
stakeholders realize that too. Accreditation
also provides a positive marketing benefit,
which is an important advantage over opera-
tions that are not accredited.
HLAC Executive Director Regina Baras
notes that in the laundry industry, as well as
among the customers served by the industry,
there is increasing awareness of HLAC’s ac-
creditation standards. Baras says that recog-
nition has led to increasing want of participa-
tion from companies throughout America,
but has also generated interest from compa-
nies outside of North America. Beyond the
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