April 2013 - page 12

12 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
Samsung’s new Galaxy S4 arrived on the market this month with
all the major signal carriers on board, including national wireless
providers in AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile. The Galaxy S4 features
a 5-inch, 1080p screen, 13-MP camera, and 1.9-GHz quad-core
Qualcomm processor. The device is further enhanced by features
which including TV remote control software, applications for
tracking health and fitness activities, and even translating foreign
languages. A dual camera function also allows users to capture
images from front and rear cameras at the same time. Despite its
name, pricing isn’t too out of the world. The new Galaxy S4 will
retail for approximately $249 (or $149 for customers who opt to
switch their phone service to Sprint). The Galaxy will begin orbit-
ing among product offering at most national retailers this month.
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