April 2013 - page 10

10 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
Waterboro, Maine-based Howe & Howe Technolo-
gies has announced their development of a new robotic
SWAT apparatus. Essentially a sophisticated, oversized
shield mounted above a remote controlled vehicle, the
mechanism allows first responders to be shielded during
the course of standoffs with armed assailants or when
making an approach to diffuse explosive devices. De-
veloped through collaboration with the Massachusetts
State Police, it was scheduled to be unveiled in Boston,
but in the wake of this month’s bombings during the
Boston Marathon, the launch ceremony was moved
to Sanford, Maine. Howe & Howe Technologies, led
by Brothers Geoff and Michael Howe, first captured
notoriety in 2001 by creating “Ripsaw,” an unmanned
ground vehicle serving the U.S. Army and distinguished
as the world’s fastest tank. The Howe Brothers are the
youngest duo to ever earn a prime U.S. Military contract
and the weaponized version of Ripsaw has garnered “In-
vention of the Year” distinction from Popular Science.
The Guinness Book of World Records credits Howe
& Howe for developing the World’s Smallest Armored
Vehicle, The Badger. For now, Howe & Howe is hop-
ing those who wear the badge will find appeal in the in-
creased safety and service of their new SWAT-BOT.
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