Coastal Mountain Excavations
once people join us, they
tend to not want to leave.”
Excavations typically pro-
vides construction and
development services for
eight months out of the
year, when it’s not snow-
ing. When winter hits, how-
ever, the company turns
into the Sea-to-Sky Corri-
dor’s biggest snow and ice
management service pro-
vider. During those colder
months, they operate ap-
proximately 35 pieces of
snow removal equipment
every day. They have be-
come known for employing
the best available snow re-
moval technologies, as well
as the most environmen-
tally sustainable ones – for
example, they use Canadi-
an-designed Trecan snow-
melters, which are known
for their thermal efficiency.
The company’s dual
focus on construction and
snow removal allows them
to retain their core staff for
12 months a year. This is
unlike many of their local
competitors, who have to
re-hire and re-train em-
ployees every spring.
“All of our people are
well trained and experi-
enced, and our clients are
used to dealing with them
year in and year out,” Matt
explains. “This is how we
have developed trust, and
how we have earned our
reputation for reliability.”
An important factor
behind the loyalty of Coast-
al Mountain’s employees
– as well as the loyalty of
their clients – is the com-
pany’s dedication to health
and safety.
“We are committed
to providing our employ-
ees and clients with the
safest possible construc-
tion sites,” Matt says. “Our
safety record over the last
35 years has been impec-
cable. With ongoing train-
ing and constant monitor-
ing of safe practices, we
are committed to providing
a safe working environ-
“Nothing is more im-
portant to us than the well-
being of all stakeholders in
our projects and services,”
he adds.