June 2015
| Business World
look is not monetarily motivated. A refresh-
ing and different vantage point to the say the
least, it adds further attribution to the love,
passion, patience and dedication that Greg
has for his business – something that clients
and customers are not afraid to share with
“We’re very fortunate and very happy with
the money that we make, and it’s not about
making more at this time,” he said. “It’s about
branding, getting our name out there, show-
ing our competitors we’re a force to be reck-
oned with and at the same time providing a
quality that is 100% word of mouth based.”
“A lot of people lose focus of that – when
they get bigger they mark up their pricing
and get a little bit ridiculous,” Barry contin-
ued. “We do the exact opposite – we’re in an
even better financial position to give them
even better discounts and opportunities to
make their homes nicer because of our suc-
cess, rather than turning it the other way
Guided by foundational values of honesty,
integrity, collaboration and passion, Barry
Homes is driving a culture of change in the
home building industry. This shift has paid