Sandy Lane
temperature and curtains within their room,
to a new application being designed to add
even m ore convenience, g uest c an e xpect
nothing but the absolute best while at Sandy
“We have been implementing an array new
Mario. “We're going to have a concierge ap-
plication that guests can install on their iPad,
so that when they're out on the beach, they
can make r equests; mobile a pplications for
tels to pilot and test in real life a completely
wireless check-in in the guest rooms”
consolidating all these s ervices to s implify
the process. He says " Our biggest concern
right now is to streamline all of the systems,
to e nsure all proper i nterfaces and explore
the possibility of cloud solutions where pos-
Sandy Lane has an impeccable track record
of p roviding t he h ighest q uality g uest s er-
over t he y ears w ith such a ccolades as: Trip