Sandy Lane
run a hotel like Sandy Lane, you need 700
very motivated people and sharing achieve-
ments like this adds some motivation. "
Already h ighly motivated to treat g uests of
the resort to the highest standard of luxury
praise o f any kind, from t he World Travel
Awards to individual guest experiences. "We
celebrate even the single Trip Advisor review
we r eceive,"Mario e xplains. " We share that
with t he t eam on a d aily b asis, and some-
times employees even see their names men-
tioned and they're happy to hear it."
With their previously mentioned dedication
to i mprovements, S andy L ane have b een
ning prestigious honors such a s those from
process. “Our projects for the next two years,
we're going to be focusing on improving our
online marketing,”he says. “Awards of this
kind w ill only h elp in s trengthening o ur
brand, and these are things we're going to be
featuring and we'll be using to continue pro-
moting Sandy Lane."
A key aspect o f promotion now involves a
heavy interest i n social m edia, particularly
within the hospitality industry, as guests fre-