McCurley Integrity Dealerships - page 11

McCurley Integrity Dealerships | 11
he engages a team that holds each other ac-
countable and responsible. It’s an environ-
ment where each embraces an awareness of
their personal role to provide service and
contribute to the success of the organiza-
tion. “If someone lets the team down, they
feel so bad about it themselves, discipline is
rarely needed. They’ll do what they need to
do better. There aren’t as many rules as one
might imagine because each person’s sense
of responsibility and commitment is driving
discipline for the next,” says McCurley.
The dealerships are comprised by true di-
versity which includes Generation X, Gen-
eration Y and Gen Nexters working right
alongside Baby Boomers, but McCurley says
operations are complemented by great mea-
sures in mutual respect and mentoring. He
also says that his staff has adopted a philoso-
phy prompted from practices at Walt Disney
World. To explain, McCurley says manage-
ment discovered guests sometimes forgot
exactly where they had parked their cars. Of
course, it wasn’t Disney’s fault that guests
couldn’t remember, and they could have eas-
ily said, “It’s not our problem.” Disney didn’t
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