Matt Brewing Company - page 9

Matt Brewing Company | 9
F.X. Matt was 99 years-old when he
passed away in1958, but by this time, his son
Walter Matt was already serving as President
of West End Brewery and was largely re-
sponsible for modernizing operations. In the
years that followed, the company would se-
cure commercial notoriety from advertising
campaigns that depicted two talking beer
steins voiced by comedic legend Jonathon
Winters. Then in the 70s, with media cov-
erage concerning President Carter’s brother,
Billy, particularly his penchant for beer, the
brewery was one of several responsible for
the production of Billy Beer. In 1980, di-
rection of the company then turned to F.X.
Matt II who, in want to pay homage to his
grandfather, renamed the brewery to F.X.
Matt Brewing Company.
The 80’s would see increased competi-
tion from larger corporations and pricing
wars, but it was in this era that Matt II over-
saw production of a new line of beers known
today as Saranac. The beer was developed
with help from a distinguished brew-master
known as Joseph Owades who is credited
for pioneering the formula for “Light Beer.”
Upon resolving to expand that line of beer
and increase the company’s market penetra-
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