Matt Brewing Company - page 7

Matt Brewing Company | 7
tion again when the Pale Ale and Imperial
Stout were among the top honored during
the World Beer Cup. Those who know good
beer know Matt Brewing Company, but to
be sure, this is a small enterprise compet-
ing against rivals who may not have better
products, but better operating and adver-
tising budgets. In an industry that has seen
many players fall from the field and team
consolidation, Matt Brewing has survived
by the sheer force of its talent, tenacity and
uncompromising commitment to customers
longing to connect with classic flavoring as
well as the most innovative in new concoc-
tions. As Fred Matt explains, “You’re not go-
ing to last very long if you can’t make prod-
ucts consumers choose to drink. Our goal
has been to exceed in giving customers what
they want, and that’s what has kept us here.
When you think of family business, less than
three percent make it to the fourth genera-
tion of family ownership, but our family has
bonded together to build a business and that
has helped keep us in business for 125 years.”
Matt Brewing Company actually began life
through the transitioning of what once exist-
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