Matt Brewing Company - page 11

Matt Brewing Company | 11
Company’s success is significant to a great-
er community of families as it remains an
essential driver of economic activity. The
brewery has even helped spur new life within
its district of operations through launching
a weekly event known as Saranac Thursdays.
Each week, Utica residents gather in the
brewery’s courtyard to enjoy a cold beer and
concert by some of the hottest musical acts
in the area. The venue has proven so popular
as to promote the growth of restaurants, bars
and other small businesses in the western
corridor of Utica. Nick Matt says the com-
pany takes great pride in being part of the
community and is compelled by a philoso-
phy that his mother helped instill within his
awareness. “You have to give back. You have
to do what you can to make the community
a better place,” he says.
In terms of efforts to create a better place,
Matt Brewery Co. has also implemented
practices that promote benefits to the envi-
ronment. Among these is the company’s re-
cent acquisition of an anaerobic digester. In
addition to filtering and treating the compa-
ny’s discharge of wastewater, the mechanism
also helps capture methane gas which can
be used to generate electricity. Geothermal
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