Matt Brewing Company - page 12

12 | Matt Brewing Company
systems further help the brewery cut down
on energy consumption. Fred Matt explains
that the company also recycles 99 percent
of everything it produces, and it also invests
in equipment that allows it to capture car-
bon emissions which, in turn, reduces im-
pacts to air quality. Fred says these practices
are expression of the company’s intent to be
good corporate citizens and sensible in the
way of environmental stewardship. At the
same time, he says these practices will help
the company reduce operational costs in the
long term, enabling it to further advance on
creating new products that prompt new ap-
peal with consumers. Matt Brewing has been
particularly successful in capitalizing on fla-
vors that consumers savor, as evidenced by
its hugely successful and award-winning line
of Saranac products. This brand helped tran-
sition the company from declining sales in
the 80s to a doubling of sales in the early 90s,
and the momentum hasn’t stopped. The Sa-
ranac family includes: Pale Ale, distinctive
of English Pale Ale but enhanced through
hop-injection technology that brings out
the flavor and aroma of Bramling Cross hops
(the sharpest English hop available); Black
Forest, a German-style Schwarzbier with a
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