Matt Brewing Company - page 13

Matt Brewing Company | 13
sweet malty taste, and distinctively dark, yet
light on the roasted flavor; Adirondack La-
ger, a brew relying on noble hops whose bit-
terness is balanced by a caramel malt sweet-
ness; and White IPA, an unfiltered wheat
beer enhanced by orange peel, coriander and
Citra hops which have generated buzz in the
industry for their crisp, citrusy nuance.
Of course, Matt Brewery has developed
numerous other micro-brews which have
resonated with consumers, but further
speaks to the company’s ingenuity in intro-
ducing new products which have helped
spur increase in sales and added to the excite-
ment for the industry’s potential for further
growth. Those innovations have included
incorporating pomegranate, or blueberries,
or adding the juice of grapes into beer – fla-
vor infusions which Fred Matt says “capture
consumer’s imagination” and that translates
to more sales.
“The response we’re seeing in craft beer
is amazing,” says Fred Matt. “We’re doing
things people never thought of doing years
ago … the very idea of putting fruit in beer
was once something unheard of… but it is
now putting life back into the brewing in-
dustry… and it makes what we do not only
really special, but really fun.”
As for other fun, NickMatt says the com-
pany is especially to kick off a national tour
of celebrations in conjunction with observa-
tion of Matt Brewing Co’s 125th Anniver-
sary. Events have currently been planned for
communities throughout NewYork, but also
include cities in New England, North Caro-
lina, Virginia and more. Tour125 schedule
and dates can be found on the company’s
website at
The 125th cel-
ebration will also lead to consumers finding
a free extra pint of the company’s new Lega-
cy IPA in select packages, including Pale Ale,
White IPA, and Trail Mix 12 packs.
Otherwise, Nick Matt says the company
is continuing to grow, and he anticipates as
the brewery grows out of capacity, the next
few years will like lead to facility expansions
which will bring other jobs to Utica. But for
now, his primary focus is all about bringing
beer to thirsty celebrants in communities
who will want to join in recognition of the
company’s milestone anniversary. “There
will be good music, good fun and plenty
of great beer… and that’s a great way to say
‘Thank You’ to everyone who has supported
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