that, as San Rufo Homes is also
known for going to the extra
mile to ensure utmost quality.
They dedicate time for multiple
inspections and walk-throughs
on every project, making sure
every home meets their stan-
dards of excellence in both
workmanship and function.
“My whole team cares about
what we do,” John says. “We
care about building a good
home, and we care about our
San Rufo’s caring for clients
does not end at the point of
sale. Many in the construction
industry consider that the “pin-
nacle of the process,” but San
Rufo Homes recognizes it as is
just the beginning. They contin-
ue to support clients at every
point from then on – all the way
from to possession, through
the warranty period, and long
after. They are committed to
supporting their client at all
The proof of that commitment
is not just the ratings and
awards. San Rufo’s history of re-
ferrals is even more convincing
evidence. From the start, the
majority of the company’s work
has been generated by past cli-
ents, and their client’s friends
and business partners. San
Rufo encourages that with a re-
ferral program, which includes
a $2,500 cheque for when re-
ferred persons purchase a new
home. With the way they take
care of their clients, they ex-
pect to be handing out referral
cheques well into the future.