Looking to the future, San Rufo
Homes aims to grow – but grow
organically and sustainably,
and not just for the sake of it.
In the past, they have endured
both ups and downs in the Al-
berta economy, and they have
always been very deliberate
about the rate of their expan-
sion. In the boom times, they
have even turned down oppor-
tunities to do more work when
they thought their quality might
suffer as a result.
Soon after the company com-
menced, for example, there was
a boom in the Alberta housing
market. San Rufo Homes could
have potentially sold a lot more,
but they were very mindful
about taking on trades they had
no history with. They had heard
horror stories from other build-
ers about working with unprov-
en subcontractors, and they
didn’t want any part of that.
“We didn’t deviate from our
trade base,” John recalls. “That
may have meant we didn’t make
as much money as we could
have, but it’s not all about the
money. It’s about creating some-
thing that’s lasting. Something
with substance. Something our
clients love to call ‘home.’”
Moving forward, San Rufo
Homes is abiding by the same
principals. They anticipate that
they will eventually grow to
doing 80 or even 100 homes a
year, but never much more than
that. It’s more important – they
believe – that they continue to
grow their reputation, and keep
getting better at what they do.
“I think we build a great prod-
uct, but I think we can build a
better product,” John says. “And
when we do, I’ll think we can
still build a better product after
that. There’s always room for
improvement. Always.”
For more on San
Rufo Homes, their
process, home
models, and awards
– and to get in
touch the San Rufo
Homes team – visit