of the city’s top trades and sup-
pliers. Armed with that experi-
ence, they decided to go out on
their own.
Lisa and Barry officially com-
menced Dependable Renova-
tions eight years ago. They be-
lieved there was a need in the
market for a renovator that
“really cared about the clients.”
They didn’t think it should mat-
ter how large, small, simple or
complicated the project was
– they believed every client
should receive the same excep-
tional service and workman-
“Everyone deserves a builder
that does what they say they are
going to do, that is true to their
word,” Lisa says. “That’s us.”
Over the years, the company’s
contracts have ranged in terms
of size and value. When Lisa and
Barry started the business, they
figured they would be spending
most of their time on individual
kitchen and bathroom renova-
tions. They quickly earned such
a strong reputation, however,
that clients started reaching out
to them with larger jobs, many
valued upwards of $500,000.
Today, Dependable Renova-
tions is geared specifically to-
wards those mid-large scale
projects. According to Lisa,
the company stands out in that
niche due to – what else? – their
dependability. That includes
their dependable service, de-
pendable pricing, and depend-
able quality.