12 | Boston Pizza
partners, but at the same time, we’ve nev-
er walked away from the focus on serv-
ing great tasting food in a friendly envi-
ronment.” The business model has been
further bolstered by carefully consider-
ing qualifications in franchise candidates.
Corporate principals of Boston Pizza are
not simply looking for investors with fi-
nancial resources, rather entrepreneurs
looking to build upon their own success-
ful track records, regardless of industry
background, who can adhere to the funda-
mental formula which this brand has con-
sistently demonstrated as successful. As
Pacinda explains, “We have a bit of a say-
ing here, ‘Go into business for yourself,
but not by yourself.’ When some people
start a business on their own, they have
to figure out the procedures, the recipes,
the staff training, the accounting, sourc-