A brand
new airport
In the past several years, MBJ
Airports has undertaken a num-
ber of truly significant projects,
improving the experience for
passengers and otherwise add-
ing value for all their stakehold-
As an example, they are cur-
rently extending the runway by
408 meters to achieve a max-
imum length of 2,943 meters
and accommodate runway-end
safety areas. This will ensure
compliance with internation-
al standards and increase the
range and payload for depart-
ing aircrafts. It will also open
the door to new routes, making
the airport even safer and more
Prior to that, MBJ also com-
missioned a renovation of the
check-in area, which was com-
pleted over the course of 2018.
It included the replacement of
ceilings and flooring, column
cladding and new lighting, air
conditioning, and a new public
address system. The taxiways
and aprons also received up-
grades, which were valued at
$26 million.