BWM - Mar 2015 - page 35

March 2015
| Business World
“We hope that this service will help a num-
ber of oil companies for whom testing is pro-
hibitively expensive,” Dr.Kantzas says.
Another current focus of the company is
their educational offering. As a professor,
Dr.Kantzas spends a lot of his time teaching,
and he found that there were a lot of profes-
sionals who didn’t have the expertise in oil
reservoirs that PERM offers. He received ex-
pressions of interest from people who want-
ed to take short courses where they could
learn the basics of the processes that PERM
deals with on a daily basis.
“I was able to set that up as a small service of
the company,” Dr.Kantzasrecalls. “It’s a tool
that allows people to learn the basics, and lets
us show themwhat we can do here at our lab.
Each PERM course is taught by renowned
experts with PhD’s and industry experience –
people who don’t just teach, but also actively
manage SCAL and research and development
projects. PERM courses are also limited to a
maximum of 18 participants, so they all have
the opportunity to ask questions and get to
know the instructors. Because PERM is an ac-
tive laboratory, participants also have the op-
portunity to see real world examples of special
core analysis cases, which further reinforces
and enhances the learning experience.
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