March 2015
| Business World
at a different point. Unimpressed with the
current technology available on the market,
Refuel Systems took a stand and set off on a
course of rigorous research and development
to build their own - what Curtis calls - ‘a big-
ger, better mousetrap.’
“In terms of robustness, efficiency and how
equipment operated, we really could not
find a product suited to meet our customers’
needs in those situations,” he said. “We made
the decision to come up with something on
our own. Look at the available and imme-
diate technologies out there for filtration,
and look at the equipment itself and how we
could build a bigger, better mousetrap.”
Following three years of rigorous market
research via critical customer and market
touch points, Refuel Systems built a filtra-
tion system that best fulfilled the long term
needs that both their clients and the indus-
try had never seen before.
“Whether water is emulsified or free-stand-
ing, our filter technology is able to take that
water out and bring the content down to the
limits that are acceptable to the engine,” Cur-
tis said. “There are very few filtration plat-
forms in the world capable of doing both in