June 2015
| Business World
during his time in Vancouver, which stifled
the human element of his work.
"Now when we get an inquiry for a proj-
ect, our number one objective is to actually
meet face-to-face with the client," he said. "It
doesn't matter if it's a small garage that we're
building or if it's a million-dollar home, we
want to immediately start building those re-
lationships. The long and short of it is – we
are there for our clients. We want to do ev-
erything we can to meet their expectations
and exceed them, and I think the first part to
doing that is being able to be open and hon-
est in face-to-face conversations."
On each project, Shannon sits down with
the client to go over all the various aspects of
the work to ensure they see the value in what
they're getting from Delonix. This includes
"very, very thorough" contracts that outline
the smallest details, from kitchen faucets to
tiling and beyond.
Throughout the construction phase, Delo-
nix maintains open lines of communication
with the client so they're able to voice any
concerns they may have to Shannon direct-
ly. Once the project is completed, the team
also shows the client "every single aspect of
the house" to make sure they're familiar with
new systems, features and technologies. Af-
terwards, the company performs a 30-day
follow-up with the client tomake sure they're
available to address any issues that may have
arisen. The goal is to guarantee that nothing
is overlooked.
This commitment to client satisfaction has
been integral to the company's rapid growth
over the years. In addition to having several
repeat clients who have used the company for
multiple residential projects, Delonix also