April 2015
| Business World
word-of-mouth and pre-existing relation-
ships with companies such as ISS. Accord-
ing to Deveaux, Grand Bahama Island is
relatively small, and a good reputation goes
a long way. He described Castaways’ reputa-
tion as “people-friendly.”
“We’re also united with the local tourist
board, and we will pursue some more mar-
keting avenues in the future,” he reported.
On that note, Castaways Resorts & Suites is
also upgrading their website to make it more
user-friendly and more reflective of the envi-
able lifestyle that the Grand Bahama Island
Moving forward, Deveaux said the hotel is
furthermore in the planning stages of reno-
vations, which are meant to improve both
the aesthetics and durability of their rooms.
They plan to replace the beams within the
structure with stronger, termite-resistant
ones, for example, as well as liquidate their
furniture to make room for more modern
alternatives. The hotel has been around –
in one form or another – for more than 50
years to date. Deveaux said they expect to be
around for the next 50 years as well.
“A company can’t last as long as we have with-
out having something good to offer,” he said.
“Our longevity speaks for itself. We’re veter-
ans of the industry. We know what we’re do-