BWM March 2014 - page 34

34 | Business World Magazine |
March 2014
the necessary infrastructure, purchased all
the exchanges and handled landline opera-
tions before adding cellular capability via a
wholly owned subsidiary, Advantage Cellu-
lar Systems, in 1991.
DTC Wireless was born in 2004 when
the Advantage name was changed to reflect
another evolution of service beyond the
cellular model. The headquarters of DTC
Communications are located in Alexandria,
Tenn. – a town of 1,000 people about 50
miles east of Nashville.
The company was licensed to provide ser-
vice and still operates 47 towers in Smith,
DeKalb, Cannon, White, Warren, Van Bu-
ren, Coffee and Grundy counties, and is
also a nationwide carrier thanks to agree-
ments with major roaming partners across
the country. It began providing cell service
with analog technology before advancing to
TDMA (time division multiple access) ca-
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