BWM March 2014 - page 150

150 | Business World Magazine |
March 2014
which means Bassett and his colleagues are
charged with creating and implementing
programs to keep traffic levels manageable.
Additionally, its tasks as a CMA are helping
in land use, air quality and transportation
planning among jurisdictions – including
the Sacramento Area Council of Govern-
ments (SACOG), the cities of Woodland,
Davis, West Sacramento and Winters and
the county of Yolo – and to participate in
and advocate projects that spend funds made
available from state gas tax revenues and oth-
er sources.
Looking forward, the agency is respon-
sible for monitoring congestion on major
roads and analyzing the impacts that pro-
posed developments would have on future
traffic congestion.
Groundbreaking of West Sacramento transit center for Yolobus
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