BWM March 2014 - page 143

March 2014
| Business World Magazine | 143
from UC Davis and the California Depart-
ment of Transportation (Caltrans).
All but 10 of the 125 employees involved
with providing Yolobus service are employed
by Veolia Transportation, which has been
working with Yolo since 2006 and is con-
tracted, with options, through 2018.
“We have been very happy with the per-
formance of Veolia, particularly its manage-
ment team headed by Carmen Alba (gen-
eral manager), Tom Follansbee (operations
manager), Mikhail Tsytsurin (maintenance
manager) and Dan Thao (safety and train-
ing manager),” Bassett says. “We also get
solid corporate support from such people
as Ken Westbrook (chief operating officer
of Veolia’s transit division), Ron Bushman
(regional VP), Jacob Ortiz (regional director
of safety), Rudy Woodward (VP of techni-
cal services), Ed Remly (regional director of
maintenance), Phil Isaacs (regional human
resources director) and Howard Morris (re-
gional controller).”
In-house, Bassett is assisted by Janice Phil-
lips (deputy director), plus eight people who
count fares, issue passes and provide other
customer service, provide staff support ser-
vices to Bassett and YCTD’s board of direc-
Yolo County Transportation District
Local and intercity bus fixed route
and paratransit service operator,
known as Yolobus. Service is con-
tracted out to Veolia Transportation.
Yolo County, Calif
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