BWM - JUNE / JULY, 2014 - page 41

The core of who we are works well in the
energy patch. They want to deal with
people who are honest and ethical. It really
makes the difference out there.”
From end to end, the company Roth’s
parents created has grown significantly
since the first few days after they left
previous positions as agents for C.R.
England – in pursuit of a sense of
The workforce stands at 120, whichmarks a
sizable increase from the deep recession
days of 2008-09, when employee numbers
had fallen to between70 and80 after a small
layoff. Some of those workers were brought
back as conditions improved, and the rest of
the gains are thanks to increasedbusiness.
Corporate headquarters are in Billings,
Mont., with satellite offices in Winterville,
N.C., Houston and Phoenix, alongside
several more nationwide locations Roth
labeled as “franchise offices.”
Customers come in myriad shapes and sizes
from a variety of industries, Roth said, and
they’re often seeking just as wide a range of
services/solutions from Meadow Lark,
which could mean better pricing or simply
more customer-service commitment.
June-July 2014
| BusinessWorld | 41
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