Jan 2014 - page 66

66 | Business World Magazine |
January 2014
nication with customers to assure that all
demands of design and building perfor-
mance needs are not only understood, but
accurately fulfilled. As Nyberg says, “It
is much different today. The focus in the
past was more on a product. You would
purchase a building and if it met your
expectations, you were happy.... today,
people not only want a quality building,
but they also want to be able to enjoy the
experience of purchasing the building and
watching that building go up. There’s a
broader expectation of the market. There
is a concern, ‘How quick can you get
back to me? How fast can you design and
configure the building? When is it going
to happen and how it is going to happen?
What is the crew like?’ People still want a
quality building, but they also want an en-
joyable experience in buying and watch-
ing that construction take place – that’s
what we provide.”
As for the future, Nyberg says Morton
is encouraged to see some pick-up in the
commercial and residential sectors of its
business, areas that were impacted at the
height of the economic debacle national
recession. While the company weathered
the storm by focusing on services to the
ag sector which didn’t feel the degree of
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