Jan 2014 - page 64

64 | Business World Magazine |
January 2014
Morton Building has, in fact, construct-
ed numerous churches; no two look the
same, and some have even won national
awards for building design.
In addition to its legacy in the indus-
try, Morton Building is comprised by an
equally experienced composite of pro-
fessional builders, with some who have
continued working here for more than 45
years. Having worked at Morton for a lit-
tle more than 24 years, Nyberg still refers
to himself as a “middler,” but ultimately
says having such an experienced team of
builders has enable the company’s ability
to impart greater efficiency and quality
to their customers –a number that today
exceeds more than 500,000 as served by
the Morton Building construction centers
which have been established among 36
Nyberg affirms that Morton’s success
has, however, stemmed from the compa-
ny’s ability to offer something which rep-
resents what customers want even more
than the highest caliber of experienced
builders or ability to source the high-
est quality of engineered materials with
which the company works - as he says,
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