62 | Business World Magazine |
June 2013
50 years in age) over a seven year period. For
those frequently incurring periods of social
isolation, there was a 26 percent greater risk
of dying than those who were determined
to be socially engaged. Yet, this shouldn’t be
construed as only a recently-discovered fact
of life. More than ten years ago, the World
Health Organization identified isolation, or
lack of socialization, as a leading contributor
to senior’s experiencing “increased rates of
premature death, lower general well-being,
more depression, and a higher level of dis-
ability from chronic diseases.”There is plenty
of research which suggests the same. Under-
stand that science and it will become all the
easier to understand an assertion made by
Christian Homes President and Chief Exec-
utive Officer Timothy Phillippe, Ph.D., who
says that his communities are where people
go to experience a greater abundance of life,