June 2013 - page 262

262 | Business World Magazine |
June 2013
When he was a just tyke growing-up out-
side of Brooklyn, Peter Lucadano was like
a lot of kids who imagined a future playing
professional baseball. His athleticism, how-
ever, was complemented by certain capabili-
ties in entrepreneurship, no doubt handily
honed by his two-year-older brother, David,
who also possessed a particular professional
prowess. David was only 12 when he talked
his parents into purchasing a lawn mower,
which he used to earn money by cutting the
neighbor’s grass, often tasking Peter in the
process. David and Peter would continue
conducting that work after their family relo-
cated to New Port Richey, Florida. “Back in
those days, there was really no such thing as
a ‘green’ industry,” recalls Peter. “You would
see various trucks with wooden trailers and
various people working, but they had no
uniform, and it didn’t seem like it was very
organized as a business.”
David andPeter’s grandfather was a distin-
guished WWII veteran who had established
a successful East Coast trucking enterprise.
Through their interactions with that en-
deavor, the boys had learned valuable lessons
about appearance and decorum, in terms of
the importance of maintaining a fleet as well
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