June 2013 - page 14

14 | Business World Magazine |
June 2013
with Potential
Plasma-pulse technology generated particular buzz after No-
vas Energy’s exhi-
bition at the Global Hunter Securities 100 Energy Confer-
ence recently held in
Chicago, an annual event that gathers more than a 100 of Amer-
ica’s leading public oil
companies as well as industry analysts and investors. Novas Energy
is a subsidiary of Propell
Technologies Group and an exclusive licensee for U.S. selling of patent-
ed plasma-pulse technology.
This innovative technique involves transmitting an electric pulse which stimulates the rock surrounding an
oil well, causing fragmentation which then allows for more efficient oil extraction. It is also an environmen-
tally-sensitive solution because it negates the gases and chemicals typically deployed in hydraulic fracturing
processes. Furthermore, for firms which conventionally spend vast sums of money on the fluids, supply
trucks and staffing used in hydraulic fracturing, costs associated with plasma-pulse technology are reported-
ly limited to shipment and delivery of the blasting unit. Since deploying the technology to wells throughout
Europe as well as nine in the U.S., Novas has proven successful in improving existing well recovery as well as
production volumes. Here’s a pulse that’s prepared to make a blast in the market.
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