206 | Business World Magazine |
July 2013
ing operational quality. GCT’s efficiency and
eco-sensitive standards are ultimately expres-
sions of a larger mission statement which
mandates the providing of “safe, responsive,
convenient, efficient, and environmentally
responsible public transportation that serves
the diverse needs of our community.”
Beyond the celebrations planned for this
40th anniversary year, Brown is also enthu-
siastic about certain golden opportunities
for Gold Coast Transit to grow. While many
transit authorities have costs offset by local
tax revenue, Ventura County is the state’s
largest which doesn’t have a local sales tax
to support transportation. Currently, there
is legislation seeking to create a special Gold
Coast Transit district. This would enable
GCT to better plan and expand on servic-
es, but also utilize local revenues to leverage
sources of federal funding. That legislation
has yet to undergo full passage, but Brown
says he is encouraged by the support it has
He is also encouraged about plans to
establish a new service center and operation-
al base. At present, GCT occupies a three-
acre site which has employees sharing park-
ing spaces with the buses. On a nightly basis,
GCT at Oxnard Transit Center