February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 121
hancements to any occasion throughout the
year, and no one needs a national council’s
research to realize that.
Diane and Cecil Crowley achieved
that realization more than twenty years ago.
As two admired advertising executives who
lived in Atlanta, the Crowley’s routinely
hosted Super Bowl parties, literally catering
to hundreds of friends and professional col-
leagues. Beyond her professional marketing
expertise, Diane was exceedingly talented as
a cook. Over time, they began to notice that
their friends, however gracious, were greed-
ily consuming her concoctions and coming
back for more, especially when it came to her
flavored chicken wings. One must remem-
ber, in that particular era of epicurean entice-
ment, chicken wings were still something of
a novelty, or side line addition, not the main
bill-of-fare, but in the Crowley home, guests
simply couldn’t get enough of ‘em.
In 1990, the couple relocated to Hil-
ton Head, South Carolina. Despite having
absolutely no history, nor formal training
in the restaurant industry, the two opened
a small cafe where the essential course for
consumption was Diane’s wildly wonderful
chicken wings. This marked the beginning
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