April 2013 - page 305

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 305
Murray goes on to explain that whether
a student confronts an obstacle in academ-
ics or in athletics, his ability to overcome
challenges is greatly influenced by the role
of an adult mentor. “The whole concept of
confidence and belief-in-yourself stems from
that,” he says.
Focusing on what Murray calls “moments
of truth” is the bedrock of the school’s mis-
sion. “We always have to be excellent, but
there are certain moments when we abso-
lutely cannot compromise, there are certain
junctures in a boy’s career where his emo-
tional connection to the school is formed for
better or worse.”
“Those moments include that point of
admission, or when a boy encounters disci-
plinary, academic or emotional difficulty,
or when they are transitioning from lower
school to upper school ... there are a series of
points where we absolutely can’t miss it be-
cause it is so important.”
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