April 2013 - page 311

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 311
teachers here are passionate about helping
you, and if you’re interested in participating
in different projects, there are opportunities
outside of the classroom,” says Gingo.
University School is currently engaged in
a capital development campaign that will
help it transition from great to greater. Mur-
ray says this new phase of strategic planning
includes not only new academic opportuni-
ties, but also greater opportunity for access.
Annually, the school already awards $3.7
million in partial, need-based financial as-
sistance to more than a third of its students.
Murray says all are striving to ensure that
there is maximum access to school. “Our
strategy is not about raising money, but
about granting opportunity for families that
couldn’t afford to be here,” he says. “We want
to attract the highest quality students and fi-
nances shouldn’t hinder them from having
an education here.”
The school is also bolstering its courses in-
volving computer programming and robot-
ics. A $1 million gift will allow for the cre-
ation of a new design lab described as a type
of technological playground. In addition to
emphasizing the writing of software for com-
puter and robotic applications, the students
will have access to computer-driven wood
working machines, welders, plasma cutters,
3D-Printers and tools that will allow them
to create physical models of their digital de-
signs. As Murray says, “Our goal is to pro-
vide things for them to do before they go to
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