April 2013 - page 303

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 303
SAT Critical Reading Scores or SAT Math
Scores, both exceedingly surpass state and
national averages in either category. In fact,
over the last five years, University School
has averaged ten semifinalists (and 11 com-
mended scholars) for national merit distinc-
tion, a process that customarily includes up
to a quarter of its senior class. Then again,
its students also excel in the arts, with per-
formances staged by the theatre department,
glee club, orchestra or jazz band, and the art-
istry of those students whose works on can-
vas and other media has equally commanded
recognition. Academic and artistic acumen
is also complemented by notable athletic ac-
complishment of all kinds; in football, base-
ball, hockey and soccer to wrestling, track
& field and swimming. Other champions
have emerged from an equally competitive
composite of orators who comprise Uni-
versity School’s award-winning speech &
debate team. Yet, for all of that recognition
and the vast displays of victory, parents may
find greater satisfaction in another crucial
statistic concerning students – every gradu-
ate (yes, 100%) go on to attend a four year
college, and in many cases, the leading affili-
ates of the Ivy League. And upon emerging
from these environments, University School
Alumni can be found interspersed among
the wide range of enterprise. Examples in-
clude: Dale Adler, an M.D. in Boston who
has garnered recognition as one of America’s
leading cardiologists; Nick Petty, the prin-
cipal of a Cleveland charter school striving
to transform lives of at-risk urban youth;
Carl Sjogreen, a former Google Executive
who went on to become Director of Product
Management at Facebook; and entrepreneur
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