April 2013 - page 297

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 297
and private school educational models, Bas-
sett says the organization’s greatest struggles
occur at the state level. Ohio is currently the
only state that has imposed standardized
testing on private schools, a move that fol-
lowed after vigorous debate and was only
narrowly passed. NAIS is striving to prevent
similar passage in other states, since students
from these institutions are already sufficient-
ly tested through college entrance exams,
and again, they score higher than students
from public schools.
NAIS is preparing for a new era of
leadership from a newly appointed President
in John Chubb. After some 12 years of ser-
vice to the NAIS, Patrick Bassett is moving
into educational consulting for the next gen-
eration of schools. He says his goals include
gaining traction in the development of more
“student-centered” schools nationally and
internationally. During his presidential ten-
ure, Bassett says he has been most pleased to
see the degree to which information technol-
ogy has been integrated into classrooms. He
says access to online information has democ-
ratized educational opportunities. He says
technical platforms such as the NAIS web-
site (
), along with traditional
research, has been fundamental in imparting
another very important resource for schools
– data. Bassett says one of the great accom-
plishments of NAIS has involved persuading
school leaders and school boards to make
data-rich decisions versus enacting policies
based on opinion.
NAIS will continue to provide the re-
search data, analysis of trends and best prac-
tices methodology to help guide and enrich
the mission of independent schools, while
also serving as the voice of authority and the
leading crusader in a constant campaign to
maintain the independence that fosters ex-
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