July 2015
| Business World
“Sure. we’re going to pay a bit of a premium
for that, but I tell clients that they can ei-
ther: pay the vendor a little bit more to get
their materials on time, pay the bank more
for your mortgage, or pay the person you’re
renting from another month’s rents because
you’re trying to save $200,” he continued.
“When you show people the numbers and
explain that speed trumps money, people get
Looking ahead, Sprucehill Contracting has
many cool projects on the horizon. Execut-
ing design and engineering to deliver gor-
geous, warm and comforting homes built
with care and superior quality is what mat-
ters most to Jensen.
His journey from IT office life to the presi-
dent of a construction company was a diffi-
cult one. But Jensen’s mission for the future
is clear.
“I would like to continue to nurture and
stick with doing as much renovation work
as we’re currently doing,” Jensen said.”I’d like
to ideally get away for clients on new home
builds and start building them for myself on
spec and go into that general category.”
“For me, my goal is to keep the company at
current size or get slightly bigger and hope-
fully in 10 to 12 years, semi-retire,” he con-
tinued. “That’s the hope anyways.”