Business World |
July 2015
Driven by a family-first and friendly vision,
Isle of Mann is reinforcing their reputation
as a company doing things their own way.
Having been exposed to the industry from
a young age, Isle of Mann Project Manager
Rick Mann remembers the early days and
early lessons instilled in him by his father.
“Growing up I’ve always been around and
done work with electricians, drywallers and
plumbers,” Rick said. “During the summer
months, instead of going around playing, my
dad took me to the construction yard and
put a broom in my hand.”
“My father wasn’t the type of person to pave
a golden road for me,” Rick continued. “He
made me responsible for my own position
and my future, and I’m grateful he never put
a silver spoon in my mouth. He made me
work for the respect and reputation amongst
all the vendors and partners.”
After working in lumber yards and pursuing
an education in economics and civil engi-
neering, Rick joined his father and the com-