July 2015
| Business World
own forming, framing, finishing – anything
to do with the structure we do it in house.
We don’t sub out the framing package. We
just find we get a better, consistent prod-
uct when the carpenter who is forming and
framing the walls understands he’s going to
be hanging the doors and installing the fin-
ish trims.”
By keeping the work in house, it upholds
Boda’s sterling reputation for delivering a su-
perior product that ensures a consistent flow
when one person is running things from
start to finish. And while Boyd admits that
it’s not always easy, a commitment to qual-
ity workmanship and emotional investment
across all three scopes is paramount.
“We do a small amount of commercial –
mostly interior retail,” he said. “But our main
focus and expertise is custom renovations
and homes. Commercial jobs are more get it
done and open up. Custom home building is
very personable and emotional for the peo-
ple involved. We seem to understand what
they want and how they react.”
“It’s like being married to someone for a year
if you’re doing a home for them,” Boyd con-
tinued. “You’re involved with these people
for quite a journey. You learn a lot about how
they live – especially with renovations when
the clients are trying to live in the house.”
The foundation for Boda Construction’s no-
toriety is built upon the unique terrain of
the Vancouver area they preside in. Masters
of this domain, Boyd and Mathiesen pride
themselves on being able to tackle the natu-
ral wonder of the landscape and turn it into
something tangible, beautiful and memora-