boundaries and demonstrating leadership in
the engineering world in regards to sustain-
ability," says S tuart."One o f our core v alues
is t o be a l eader i n deep g reen e ngineering
projects, so i t's very r ewarding to be r ecog-
nized for that. Frankly, it's just the tip of the
iceberg in terms of what we're doing to bring
that l evel o f design and engineering excel-
lence to all of our projects."
Centre is regarded as both a Vancouver land-
mark and as one of the city's top tourist des-
features t o achieve a net-zero c arbon foot-
print, such as the use of geothermal heating
systems that e xtract h eat from t he e arth i n
the winter and put heat back into the earth
during the summertime.
"We designed that building according to the
Living Building Challenge, which is the pin-
nacle of the green building movement,"Stu-
doesn't allow for the burning of any combus-
tion forces in the building, so we use a heat