Stuart Hood. " For example, we did the en-
gineering for Olympic Village, w hich h ad
of l and, b ut w e were t he m echanical engi-
neer foreach of those parcels."
"In terms of the lower end, we do lots of small
sand square feet. Wedon't much in the way
of single family residential, but sometimes if
there's a large custom residential house, we'll
consider it," he says."When it comes down to
it, we typically look at projects ranging from
$1 million to $500 million and beyond."
At t he 2014 C anadian Green Building
Awards, t wo I ntegral Group projects w ere
recognized a s being "among t he m ost ex-
emplary sustainably-designed b uildings i n
Canada."According to Stuart, those projects
Centre and the CANMET Materials Tech-
proof that Integral Group employees "walk
the talk."