70 per cent improvement in terms of overal-
up to ten times the energy o f conventional
buildings due to v entilation r equirements
and the need t o keep o perations running
"It required a lot of innovation to reduce en-
ergy consumption," says Stuart."For example,
we u seddisplacement ventilation, h ydronic
radiant slab heating and cooling, and a very
large solar thermal system that uses solar pan-
els to heat the water and the building itself."
brightest days, so there's a lot of heat energy
is connected to the district energy system, so
when t here's e xcess heat a vailable f rom the
solar panels, that heat is re-injected into the
district heating system and moved onto oth-
er buildings on the campus."
Integral Group is v ery familiar w ith these
features. Not only have they experienced tre-
mendous s uccess i ncorporating t hem into