Cheese Curds Gourmet
your brand i s a key factor i n the success of
any restaurant, as Pratt puts it puts it b est,
"You can be the best chef in the city with the
best food, however, if nobody knows about
you then your simply dead in the water."
with t heir p atrons. Maintaining an o nline
presence for Cheese Curds meant the addi-
ing with clients on social media sites such as
Facebook and Twitter.
"In my g eneration it was a ll a bout word of
mouth and advertising," explains Pratt. "To-
day, social media is a critical component to
marketing yourself. Although I do not have a
Facebook account or active Twitter account,
I recognize that I need it so we employ two
people full-time to manage our accounts."
First a nd f oremost, Cheese Curds' product
and dining e xperience are the key selling
points. With a wide range of gourmet burg-
burgers ranging from a 6 oz B lack A ngus